$10 from every Capri & $5 per Kid's Legging sold is donated to New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome.
These leggings were inspired by 12 year-old Maddie Golden of Cherry Hill, NJ. Maddie, diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at age 5, loves giraffes, the colors orange and pink and is proud to support her friends and family to "Stand Tall" and "Stand Out".
Maddie is committed to raising awareness for Tourette Syndrome. In partnership with Leggings for a Reason she will donate 100% of the profits from the sale of these leggings to NJCTS for her Mitzvah project, a meaningful, good deed Maddie has chosen as part of her journey in becoming a Bat Mitzvah in March of 2018. NJCTS has helped Maddie and her family over the last 7 years through support groups, webinars, resources, and more.

Let's be friends!